
What is verbal bullying?

When someone uses words to feel superior to a person or multiple people surrounding them, it is considered as verbal bullying. Verbal bullies are one of the most threatening types of bullies to identify since their attacks mostly happen when adults are not present. Even though it creates no physical damage, verbal bullying can lead to long-term effects on victims. Verbal bullying constitutes psychological violence and is damaging to the victim's self-esteem.

1 comment:

  1. Bully - (Verb)
    To hurt or frighten one who is smaller; often to force that person to do something they do not want to do.

    There is a preposterous notion in evidence these days that if one holds and subsequently expresses an alternative opinion to another, then one is a 'bully'.
    Even the etymology of the word does not support this, (see above).

    What are you being 'forced to do'?

    In all of the history of the World 'offence' has never been given; it's an impossibility.
    'Offence' can only ever be 'taken'.
    Offence is formed by the subjective interpretation of one who hears a set of words and, with with a free mind and collation of their personal, abstract thought processes, assigns an interpretation to those words, followed by a voluntary assignment of the emotional 'value' of such to themselves.
    If not being subjected to physical coercion or harm, the machinations of the individual mind are, will and can only ever be, the responsibility of the same mind.

    There are only two possible realities in this life:
    1. That which is Truth and must be acknowledged to exist.
    2. That which is not Truth and must be acknowledged to not exist.

    In the absence of corporeal evidence there only remains non-substantiated conjecture: i.e. subjectivity.
    If one hears words or a phrase directed at oneself, there only remains to ask a single, two-part question:
    "Is this Truth, or not Truth; does this exist or not exist?"
    If it is the Truth the only reasonable consequence is to acknowledge that Truth and that it is applicable to the Self.
    If it is not the Truth then it can be disregarded without any further need for acknowledgement or emotional evaluation and/or assignment.

    To assign a 'blame' for the disturbed emotional equilibrium of the individual mind to another; that it is beyond the control of the Self, that it is the 'responsibility' of another, does not prove the intent or capabilities of the other; it merely demonstrates the weakness and lack of personal control of the Self.
    It doesn't matter how often one calls a Horse, a Cow; until said Horse grows horns and gives milk and changes its Neigh to a Moo; i.e. 'believes for itself that it is a Cow; it remains a Horse.
